Alessandro Biancalani

Dr. Alessandro Biancalani

Personal webpage with material for scientific research and teaching

Scientific research

The Working Group on Fluids

The Working Group on Fluids has been developed to foster the scientific research on the dynamics of fluids at the De Vinci Research Center.
Periodic seminars are organized with topics going from mathematics, to physics, to engineering.
Invited seminars from collaborators belonging to other institutes help stimulating the discussions.
As a byproduct of the discussions following the seminars, some topics are selected as possible projects/internships/PhDs for the students.

Fluid Seminars

Academic year 2022-2023.

January 19th --> Speaker: Aminallah RABIA (ESILV-Paris). Title: Dynamics of the wind in the city.

February 9th --> Speaker: Alessandro BIANCALANI (DVRC-Paris). Title: Magneto-Hydro-Dynamic waves.

March 9th --> Speaker: Raafat TALHOUK (DVRC-Paris). Title: Dérivation de quelques modèles asymptotiques en océanographies.

March 23rd --> Speaker: Juvert Njeck SAMA (University of Lorraine at Nancy). Title: Study of magnetic confinement fusion plasmas via numerical simulations.

April 20th --> Speaker: Alessandro BIANCALANI (DVRC-Paris). Title: Kinetic theory of plasmas.

May 11th --> Speaker: Alain BOURDIER (University of New Mexico). Title: Effect of atmospheric turbulence on modulational instability in laser-pulse propagation.

June 15th --> Speaker: Alessandro BIANCALANI (DVRC-Paris). Title: Geodesic acoustic modes in tokamak plasmas.

June 28th --> Speaker: Tommaso CAPURSO (ENSAM-Paris). Title: Overview of the hydrogen applications in the energy sector.

July 10th --> Speaker: Zhiwei MA (Zhejiang University). Title: Waves and instabilities in magnetic confinement fusion experiments and space plasmas.

Academic year 2023-2024.

September 21st --> Speaker: Didier GOSSARD (ESILV-Paris). Title: Natural convection in three-dimensional air-filled cavities.

October 26th --> Speaker: Chaozhen LI (INSTA-Toulouse and DVRC). Title: Computational fluid dynamics simulations of drone flight in the city.

November 23rd --> Speaker: Mathieu SPECKLIN (CNAM-Paris). Title: How to improve the performance and use of cardiac assist devices?

December 7th --> Speaker: Walid SAMAH (DVRC-Paris). Title: Surface characterization for ice slurry generation using liquid jets.

February 8th --> Speaker: Stéphanie SALMON (University of Reims). Title: From medical data to digital models of cerebral venous flow.

The Fluid discussion of the month of March was held at the Rencontre du non-linéaire conference.

April 18th --> Speaker: Driss YAKOUBI (DVRC-Paris). Title: Numerical Analysis of Coupling and Phase Change Problems in Fluid Mechanics.

May 16th --> Speaker: Alberto BOTTINO (Max-Planck-Institute, Germany). Title: Particle-in-cell methods in plasma physics. --> CANCELLED

May 30th --> Speaker: Martin CAMPOS-PINTO (Max-Planck-Institute, Germany). Title: Structure-preserving Finite Elements for fluid and kinetic models.

Academic year 2024-2025.

October 3rd --> Speaker: Aziz Takhirov (Univ. of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates). Title: An Improved Arrow-Hurwicz Method for Incompressible Flow Equations.

October 17th --> Speaker: Didier GOSSARD (ESILV). Title: Effects of energetic particles on acoustic modes in ITER-like plasma regimes.

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